
Showing posts from March, 2023

March 31, 2023- Dr Nguyen & Dr Wasselman.

March 31, 2023 8:00am- Woke up and had breakfast. After each meal now, I have to rinse my mouth with Mucositis mouthwash for thrush.  9:00am- Took my pills including blood thinner.  10:44am- Rebecca from St Elizabeth called to say she was coming over to access our home for safety reason.  2:00pm- went to see Dr Nguyen to discuss my brain MRI. He is quite please. They will do another MRI in a couple of months.  2:45pm-  we were suppose to see Dr Wasselman however he had us wait an hour. I was so exhausted waiting and couldn’t wait to get home.  He had not much more to say except he will order a CT scan for my lungs in the next month. 

March 30, 2023 - No place like home

I froze all night in the hospital. I will be discharged around 10am this morning.  I can’t wait to go home and take a hot shower. Can’t believe I am home. SO tired but nice to be home.  Steve and I tried to sort out all my new meds.  12:00pm - Took my target pill.  Steve helped me take a bath. It was so nice to just lay down and soak in the bath.  Now I have to learn how to get around the house with the Walker.  Steve prepared a great dinner of barbecue chicken, potatoes and vegetables. It was so good.   Bedtime 9:20pm

(March 27-29, 2023 - Hospital

This is Nicky, Lise’s daughter updating the blog. She went to the hospital this morning because her weakness got a lot worse.  She has a bladder infection which they are treating.  They will be keeping her overnight (or longer) until she is stronger. Please send prayers her way! 🙏🏻 She was able to eat some dinner at the hospital. They are giving her antibiotics and IV.   March 28, 2023 My mom had a good night sleep, she has now been moved to a nice room (She was still in ER since they didn’t have any rooms available).   She ate some breakfast.  She is still very weak, but hopeful the antibiotics are starting to work!  12:00pm—took my target pill  2:00pm- Dr Wasserman came and said my symptoms are from the infection and not caused by cancer.  The nurse put me on a special IV.  Steve talked to the head nurse practitioner and said the Head MRI had great results. One of the lesion is total gone and the other lesion is hardly there. Great news.     My head feels  so much clearer.  What a

March 27-28, 2023 - Hospital

This is Nicky, Lise’s daughter updating the blog. She went to the hospital this morning because her weakness got a lot worse.  She has a bladder infection which they are treating.  They will be keeping her overnight (or longer) until she is stronger. Please send prayers her way! 🙏🏻 She was able to eat some dinner at the hospital. They are giving her antibiotics and IV.   March 28, 2023 My mom had a good night sleep, she has now been moved to a nice room (She was still in ER since they didn’t have any rooms available).   She ate some breakfast.  She is still very weak, but hopeful the antibiotics are starting to work!  12:00pm—took my target pill  2:00pm- Dr Wasserman came and said my symptoms are from the infection and not caused by cancer.  The nurse put me on a special IV.  Steve talked to the head nurse practitioner and said the Head MRI had great results. One of the lesion is total gone and the other lesion is hardly there. Great news.     I feel so much clearer.  What a differen

March 26.2023

March 26, 2023 Woke up 7:15 am took a shower and had a boost drink.9:00 am time for blood thinner . 10:00 tried some Cheerios got a bit down had another boost.12:00pm took target med.Ate some banana tried a piece of bacon.3:30 cup of tea.

March 25, 2023 - It ‘s raining

March 25, 2023 Woke up at 7:00am. Took a shower. My hands are so shaky and find it difficult to write.  Had a Boost followed by a bowl of cereal.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner  It is pouring rain outside.    12pm took my Tagrisso   9:00 pm took blood thinner. Went to bed at 9:30 PM  Steve had to put me to bed last night. He even has to brush my teeth I was so weak.  

March 24, 2023 Sleep sleep sleep

March 24, 2023 Had another restless sleep. Got up a dozen time to go to the bathroom.  Is is a long night. Got out of bed at 7:05. Took a shower.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill    Steve made oatmeal for breakfast.  I just want to sleep.  12:00pm- Took my target pill  Steve called the doctor to tell him all my symptoms.  The doctor will try to see me on Monday  9:00pm-Took my blood thinner pill  Bedtime at 9;45 pm. 

March 23, 2023 Eat Eat Eat

March 23, 2023 Woke up at 7:15 and took my shower. I am so weak. I need to eat before I lose weight. Having a Boost. It is hard to eat since I have no appetite.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.  12:00pm- Took my target pill.  I slept most of day.  9:00pm- Took my Blood thinner meds  9:00pm-Bedtime 

March 17- 22, 2023- Someone is knocking on our door

March 17, 2023 Slept all night and woke up at 7:00am. Took my shower and had a bowl of cereal.  Steve and I are so excited since Nicky, Brent and the grandchildren will be visiting us today until the 22nd.   9:00pm- Took my blood thinner pill.  12:00pm-Took my target pill  4:30 pm-  The kids arrived. Every time they come, I noticed how tall the grand children are growing. In fact, Lyla is now my height. It is so nice to see them and I felt good when they came.  6:15pm- Had dinner.  9:00pm- Took my blood thinner pill.  Bedtime 9:45pm.  March 18, 2023 7:00am- Woke up and had a shower.  Have a little headache. Took a Tylenol.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.  12:00- Took the targeted pill.  We are enjoying babysitting River, our grand doggy while the grandkids are picking up sea glass on the beach done the street.  River like laying with me.  Bedtime 9:00pm.  March 19,  2023 Woke up at 7:00am. Took a shower and then had a bowl of cereal.  Woke up with a headache and took a Tylenol.  I

March 16, 2023- Sleep sleep sleep

March 16, 2023 4:30am- Got up to go to the washroom and went straight back to bed.  It was a restless sleep. It took every to wake up. I just want to sleep.  6:45am- Got up, took a shower and ate a bowl of cereal.      I just received this notification on my phone.  That is why I feel like sleeping beauty. These stats only show when I am sleeping in bed and don’t include daytime sleeping  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.  12:00pm- Took my target pill.  12:30pm- Did 2 reps of 10 with my weights. I also walked up and down the driveway and backyard. It was nice getting out. Of course afterwards, I was exhausted. I don’t know how to pace myself.  5:00pm- Had dinner. My appetite has really dropped. With my taste buds gone, nothing is appealing to me. Steve is pushing me to eat. What a good food pusher. He doesn’t want me to lose weight again. Interesting how the steroids played a big part in having an appetite.  Actually here are the side effects when coming of steroids and I have most o

March 15, 2023 - Brain MRI

March 15, 2023 Can’t believe I slept until 6:45am. I only woke up once at 4:00am to go to the bathroom and then went back to sleep. I didn’t even my cereal in the middle of the night since I wasn’t hungry. The steroids must be slowly leaving my body. 👍 7:00am- Took my shower and had breakfast.  8:15am- I did 2 sets of 10 weights this morning.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner med.  9:45am- Steve and I went for a nice ride since it was sunny. It felt good.  12:00pm- Took my targeted pill  2:00pm- Time for cookies and milk  5:00pm- Had dinner  6:00pm- Went for a Head MRI at St Catharine’s Hospital. Half way through, they inject you with a dye. You have to drink a lot to flush it out afterwards.  After we came back, I was so tired that I couldn’t keep my eyes opened.   9:00pm- Took my blood thinner meds and went to bed. Goodnight. 

March 8 - 14,2023 - Dietitian called

March 8, 2023 1:30am-  Has a bowl of cereal and then went back to bed.  Can’t believe how much the moon is eliminating the sky.  5:00am- Can’t believe I slept this long. It is a weird kind of sleep but hopefully with time, I will be able to sleep soundly throughout the night.  Had toast with jam.  6:00am- Did 1 rep of 10 with 2 pds weights.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner med.  Today I feel weak and a little headachy.  I managed to wash some of my clothes and dusted. Steve has to vacuum and wash the floor since that is too hard on my back. I do what I can to gain strength and to normalize things  Had a sleep afterwards.  12:00pm Took my target pill.  2:30pm-  Made myself a cappuccino with cookies in the sunroom.  5:30pm- Had dinner. I am so tired but trying not to sleep all day.  9:15pm- Bedtime  March 9, 2023 Happy Birthday to my.wonderful daughters, Natalie and Nicole.  3:00am- Woke up and had a bowl of cereal. Went back to bed.  5:00am- Ate a mini bagel with peanut butter.  6:00am- D

March 7, 2023-Full moon & mom

March 7, 2023 1:30am- Woke up for my morning cereal then went back to bed. 3:30am- Got up so that I didn’t miss seeing the full moon. I remember looking up at the bright moon gazing thru our hatch when we lived on the boat. I used to love seeing the moon and the stars. It was incredible.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill 10:00am- Did 3 lbs weight to build muscles. I managed to do 1 set of 10. Didn’t want to push it since I felt so good.  12:00pm- Took my targeted pill and then had lunch.  1:00pm- It was so sunny and beautiful out and I felt strong today so we went to Niagara Falls (1/2 hour drive) to drop off my slides which will be converted to digital at Niagara Home Videos. We then went to see my mom.  I haven’t seen her since November. It was nice to see her.  She seemed to comprehend what is going on.  5:30- Had dinner  9:00pm- Took my blood thinner pill. I didn’t sleep all day and felt good. Hopefully, I have more days like today.  Bedtime 9:30pm. 

March 6,2023 - Last steroid & great news

March 6, 2023 2:30am- Woke up to move to the sunroom. It was a restless night.  4:00am-  I almost feel like I should be celebrating since I just took my last steroid pill. Let’s hope I don’t have to go back on.  7:00am-  Took a shower Thanks to my daughter for #sweatforlise every Monday.  11:45am-  Steve went to the pharmacy to pick up me new prescription Tagrisso, the targeted pill. Only cost $9000.00 a month. Glad the government pays for it.  12:00pm-  Took my targeted pill.  12:45pm- Dr Nguyen called and gave us great news. From the spine MRI, looks like my spine has no infection and no cancer. It hasn’t spread to my spine. 👍🙏  I noticed my face was puffy and round. The pharmacist said that is caused by the steroids. They call it “Moon Face”. Water retention.  Must be because I also like looking up to the moon. 😆 I struggle today with weakness and tiredness. I still managed to make a stir fry.  Slept a lot today.  9:00pm- Took my blood thinner and now bedtime. 

March 4-5, 2023- Almost off the steroids

March 4, 2023 Woke up at 2:30am for my bowl of cereal then went back to bed.  4:00am- Took my antacid pill followed by Boost and steroids. I take one more steroid on March 6 and hopefully that will be it unless the side effects are bad.  8:00am- I managed to make a stew for tonight’s dinner. It draws a lot of energy but I am determined not to sleep all day. I like to be productive.   9:00am- Took my blood thinner pills.  I kept busy all afternoon. Did some paperwork, tried playing my guitar, played solitaire etc. it passes the time and then rested in between. I went outside for some rays. It felt good.  5:00pm- Had dinner.  9:00pm- Took my blood thinner meds.  It was a good day today.  Bedtime at 10:00pm.  March 5, 2023 Today I do not take a steroid pill.  2:30am- Woke up and had a bowl of cereal then went back to bed. I was surprised when I woke up at 5am. I felt so good and woke up with a huge smile on my face. My head didn’t feel like it was in a cloud.  It will be interesting to se

March 3, 2023- Dr Wasserman

March 3, 2023   This morning I do not take a steroid pill.  3:00am-Woke up and had a bowl of cereal.  As I laid on the sunroom couch, the bright moon was glaring in my face. It wasn’t a full moon but really bright.  At 10:45am- We  saw Dr Wasserman, the oncologist who takes care of my targeted meds. He was quite pleased with the fact that I am not having too many side effects after taking it for a month. They will not know for 3 months if the meds are working.  They did bloodwork to see if my potassium is still high. It has gone down which satisfies the doctor.  So all is good.  12:00pm- Took my targeted pill.  Ate lunch    6:00pn- Had dinner  9;00pm- Took my blood pressure pill.  Considering I did not take a steroid pill today, I didn’t feel too bad.  Bedtime 9:15pm.