March 8 - 14,2023 - Dietitian called
March 8, 2023
1:30am- Has a bowl of cereal and then went back to bed.
Can’t believe how much the moon is eliminating the sky.
5:00am- Can’t believe I slept this long. It is a weird kind of sleep but hopefully with time, I will be able to sleep soundly throughout the night.
Had toast with jam.
6:00am- Did 1 rep of 10 with 2 pds weights.
9:00am- Took my blood thinner med.
Today I feel weak and a little headachy.
I managed to wash some of my clothes and dusted. Steve has to vacuum and wash the floor since that is too hard on my back. I do what I can to gain strength and to normalize things
Had a sleep afterwards.
12:00pm Took my target pill.
2:30pm- Made myself a cappuccino with cookies in the sunroom.
5:30pm- Had dinner. I am so tired but trying not to sleep all day.
9:15pm- Bedtime
March 9, 2023
Happy Birthday to my.wonderful daughters, Natalie and Nicole.
3:00am- Woke up and had a bowl of cereal. Went back to bed.
5:00am- Ate a mini bagel with peanut butter.
6:00am- Did 1 set of 10 reps with small weight. Building those muscles. I want to do 2 sets but I am tired after I do one.
7:00am- Took my shower.
9:00am- Blood pressure pill time
12:00pm- Took my targeted pill.
When I woke up this morning I felt very week but this afternoon, I felt better. I actually made coconut strawberry tarts. I need to keep active rather then sleep.
1:00pm- Did my second rep of 10 of weights and leg exercise.
3:30pm- Steve and I drove to Niagara to pick up the USB with all the photos which have been converted from slides. We first went for a drive to see the roaring Falls.
The photos turned out really good.
6:00pm- Had dinner.
Today was a good day since I wasn’t tired and never slept all day. My head never felt like it was in a cloud.
Bedtime 9:15 pm.
March 10, 2023
4:44am- Woke up and I can’t believe I slept this long. I can tell the steroids are coming out of my system. Not only am I started to sleep more and soundly but I am not as hungry.
Had my cereal.
I am a little sore from doing my exercises yesterday but I feel much stronger.
9:30am- Dietitian called and was pleasantly please that I gained weight to 102 pds. She was also very pleased with what I was eating. She sent me a free link to a cookbook which has recipes which will help in building up muscle and protein.
9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill
10:00am- Helped Steve clean the house.
Had a cappuccino afterwards with a molasses ginger cookie.
12:00pm-Took my targeted pill and then had lunch.
6:00pm- I think I wore myself out today because after dinner, I wasn’t able to stay awake.
8:30- Took my blood thinner pill and I decided to go to bed.
March 11, 2023
Had a restless sleep.
5:00am- Got out of bed and had cereal.
6:30am- Did one rep of 10 with weight. I am tired this morning.
7:00am- Took a shower
8:00am- Had breakfast
9:00am- Took my blood pressure pill.
Have a slight headache and body aches today. It is part of the steroids withdrawal. Steve told me to take a Tylenol since I cannot take Ibuprofen. Guess what? It actually worked. Steve gets upset with me because I always try not to take pills. He says why suffer.
10:30am- After Steve snow blowed the driveway. He surprised me with a blueberry scone from the market. It was a nice treat.
12:00pm- Took my Targeted pill.
Resred all afternoon since I felt lightheaded.
5:00- Had dinner
After dinner my energy went up and I felt like my head was clearing. Weird how I never know when that happens. I worked on cleaning out some photos from my hard drive.
I managed to stay up until 10:00 pm which was great since we loose an hour due to daylight savings time.
Bedtime 10:15om.
March 12, 2023
3:30am- Wile up to have cereal and went back to bed.
6:30am- Woke up feeling rested. I slept good last night and my head seems clear this morning. Took my shower.
8:00am- Made French toast for breakfast. Weird because I started going down afterwords.
9:00am- Took my blood pressure pill.
Slept most of the afternoon.
12:00pm- Took my targeted pill and then had lunch.
2:00pm- Started feeling less sleepy and worked on deleted old photos on my computer. Keeps my mind off things.
There has been a change and not sure if it is a side effect. . When my clothes rub again my belly and back, it hurt. Not sure if it is nerve endings. Even if I touch the area, it hurts. Will have to ask the doctor when I see him.
6:00pm- Had dinner.
9:00pm- Took my blood thinner pill
11:00- Late bedtime.
March 13, 2023
5:30am- Woke up to have cereal and then went back to bed. Nice to sleep most of the night.
7:00am- Didn’t want to get up because I never know how I am going to feel. Took my shower. I didn’t feel too bad.
After breakfast, I started the process of making a couple of loaves of bread. The more I stay occupied, the more I feel better. I just don’t try to overdue it.
9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.
Thankful for my daughter Natalie, Kristi, Nicole E., Tiff, Olga and Renee for participating in Monday’s #sweatforlise. I am always grateful for the encouragement and also for those who are praying for me. 🙏 Always appreciated!
10:00- Made two small asparagus quiche along with two loaves of sour dough nread.
12:00- Took my targeted pill then had lunch.
3:00pm- Had to take a Tylenol for a slight headache. I couldn’t open the Tylenol bottle. No strength. Steve opened it for me.
5:30pm- Ate dinner.
Slept the rest of the time. I am so tired and experiencing pain along may rib cage. When I touch along my rib cage, it actually hurts. Feels like nerves. Who knows but much be part of the withdrawal. You actually start feeling discouraged but I know it is temporary. Tired at times of not feeling so good. There will be better days.
9:30pm- Figure might as well go to bed since I just want to sleep anyways.
March 14, 2023
Woke up at 4am for cereal and then went back to bed.
7:00am- Woke up and took a shower before having breakfast.
Besides the skin pain along my ribs, I am somewhat awake. My head always feels like I am in a cloud but I need to force myself to get up and move around
9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.
11:11am- Did light weights since I am told to exercise even if I am fighting fatigue. I emailed my oncologist about the pain around my ribs.
12:00pm- Took my targeted pill.
2:30pm- Felt good this afternoon. Steve took me to the lake with a mocha coffee. It was nice to get out.
5:30pm- Had dinner
9:00pm- Took my blood thinner pill.
Bedtime is 10:15pm
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