
Showing posts from January, 2024

January 31, 2024- Nice surprise from Florida

January 31, 2024 What a nice surprise to see Nicky, Brent, Lyla and Parker who flew in from Florida today. 

January 30, 2024- Saying goodbye to boys

January 30, 2024 It is hard to say bye to Cooper and Logan. I am so blessed that they came.  I am so blessed to be able to see them but hard to say goodbye. 

January 28, 2024 - Cooper and Logan

January 28, 2024 Lots of joy when I saw Cooper and Logan ‘s face. 

January 29, 2024 - Nights getting worse

January 29, 2024 My nights are getting worse. My daughter Natalie has been very helpful. Lots of pain in my nose. Trying a different ointments.  At 4:20 pm-  Nurses gave me a drop of fentanyl to test and see how I react. It only last one hour.  5:00pm- Received another shot of fentanyl. I had such a good sleep afterwards..

January 27, 2024. - Rough night

January 27, 2024 It was a rough night. For some reason, I sweated so much that that they had to change my pj’s 5 times and my bedding.  My nurse’s name is Hida. 

January 26, 2024- Mostly comfortable

January 26, 2024 I woke up at 5:30am. Nicky showered and fed me. I didn’t get sick. They inject me before I eat so that I don’t get sick. It worked good this morning.  Nicky is leaving today to go back to Florida but will be back soon. 😢

January 24, 2024- Last radiation

January 24, 2024 1:45pm- Had my last radiation treatment and rang the bell.  Glad it is over.  When I got back to the hospice, they gave me meds to get rid of my bladder infection. If it is not one thing, it is another. 

January 23, 2024- My time in hospice

January 23, 2024 I decided to continue my blog as long as I can when I can.  Nicky stayed over last night and they had a couch for her to sleep in. She said she slept good.  I slept really good. The only time I woke up was to take my meds.  The staff is so good. They gave me a bath. Unfortunately, with all the movement, I brought up so the nurse injected me with Zofran to prevent nausea.  10:00am- Started the process of seeing friends to say my last goodbye. My daughter is coordinating the visits  since I get tired quickly.  11:30pm-  The cook made fresh hot delicious banana muffins. Looks like soup will be tomatoes.  12:30pm- I decided to have tuna salad rather than tomato soup. 

January 22, 2024- Blog message

Some of you may be surprised to hear this message. This is not the easiest blog to write. I haven’t blogged publicly lately because I wanted to be surrounded by my family. I updated my blog today.  On January 18, 2024, I was told my lung cancer is spreading and there is nothing they can now due except to keep me comfortable.  My family needed time to digest the news. They have been helping me get through this whole process. Lung cancer or any cancer is a nasty disease.  I have had so many friends and people reach out to support me through prayers and loving thoughts not even knowing what is happening. I just can’t believe the impact I have had on others.  The good news is  knowing I had no regrets and I have lived life to the fullest. My daughter asked if there was something I wanted to do before I transition and I had nothing to say. I am at peace and ready to receive the Lord.  I am going in McNally house in Grimsby where comfort will be given. It will be one place we will donate mon

January 22, 2024- Moving to hostice.

January22,2024 5:30am- Woke up weak and headachy. Time to move to the hospice. It is time. We are scheduled for 10am.  5:00pm- Went for my 3rd radiation treatment in my hip to relieve pain. Two more to go. Tomorrow and Wednesday and then that is it. 

January 20-21, 2024- Managing pain

January 20,  2024 Last night I couldn’t manage my pain in my hip so I didn’t get much sleep. It is my fault because I choose not to take Percocet.  10:30am- I finally caved and took a Percocet and feel so much better.  11:00am- nurse Rebecca from St Elizabeth Hospital came to take my vitals. My blood pressure is low and heart rate high   Had an egg salad sandwich.  12:30pm- Diane brought mom over for a quick visit.  January 21, 2024 Woke up painless probably because I took Percocet. Nice to have my pain controlled. 

January 18 -19, 2024- Radiation treatment begins

January 18, 2024 5:30am- Natalie has left to go home. Nicky is staying for another week.  1:45pm- Radiation begins today for my hip and pelvic area. I will be getting 5 treatments. It is supposed to take the pain away.  6:00pm- Received emergency med kit just in case I need it for an emergency.  Can’t believe for the first time in a long time, I AM PAIN FREE.  Januaey 19, 2024 8:30am - 2nd day of radiation.   My next treatment will be on Monday., Tuesday and. Wednesday. 

January 17, 2024- Physio with Peter

January 17, 2024 9:30am- Vanessa came to take my Vitals and we brought her up to date on what is happening.  11:00am- Peter, a physio therapist came over to discuss my case options for physio. He was really good. He will come back next week.  Received a call from Walker Centre stating I will start radiation tomorrow. 

January 16, 2024- Dr Flanigan and Dr Petal

February 16, 2024 1:00pm- Dr Flanagan Palliative doctor and and Dr Petal came over to access me for McNally house. She hopes to have a bed for me within 2 weeks. We hope to stay in Grimsby area however I have other options in St Catharine’s or Hamilton.  It was a great discussion and they educated Natalie, Nicole, Steve and Diane on the process of being moved to McNally house. 

January 15, 2024- Hair cut.

January 15, 2024 Woke up feeling not bad. The girls stay on top of my pain meds.  I was strong enough to get my hair cut and take a shower with their support.  I ate so much this morning and Nicky made me a cappucino. I really enjoyed it. 

January 14, 2024- Struggles.

January 14, 2024 Today was a struggle. I thank God for my daughter’s who are helping me.  It is a difficult journey however I am getting thru it. Trying to get stronger before I get radiation.  Trying to manage my pain. 

January 13, 2024- CT Scan/Guest coming

January 13, 2024 Rested all day knowing my daughters were coming for a brief visit and to help out Steve and my sister as care givers.  Natalie arrived here around 3:00am after her flights were delayed. She was supposed to come back with Nicky however her flight was cancelled.  11:00qm- Went to Welland Hospital for CT scan for Doctor Wasselman.  Many of Nicky’s flights were cancelled due the weather and wind. She finally flew down in Washington however, her flight to Buffalo was cancelled. They gave her a motel and then decided to rent a car and drive to Buffalo around 7am. She should arrive in Buffalo around 1:30pm where Natalie went to pick her up.  Looking forward to seeing the both together.  Natalie gave me my first showers since the surgery. Felt good. 1:45pm- Natalie and Nicky are finally together on there way here. 

January 12, 2023- Lifelab & visit

January 12, 2024 9:10am- Went for lifelab for bloodwork. 

January 11, 2024- Renewed steroids

January 11, 2024 Woke up not feeling good at all. I believe it is because I just got off my steroids last night. I was eating so good when I was on them.  I had such a headache and no appetite.  3:00pm - Dr Nguyen renewed the prescription for two weeks so I can get stronger before getting more radiation.  Diane has been coming and helping me regulate my pain and wash me. I am so blesssed to have her support. 

January 10, 2024- Staples out.

January 10, 2024 Woke up around 6am. Didn’t get much sleep last night. Funny how I bring up phlegm every morning and then the rest of the day I am ok. I even take Zofran for the nausea the minute I wake yup.  9:00am- Had an appointment with Dr Ishkanian however while I was there they decided also to remove  my staples. I will be able to take a shower in 3 days. Then they tattooed me for the radiation for my pelvic which will happen in a couple of weeks.  Dr McCoy, the main surgeon was pleased the staples looked good and had a nurse remove them.  I had three doctor looking at my bare butt. I coun’t even give a shit. 😆 Dr Wasselman had me go see him afterwards to understand conflicting reports. I told him I will proceed with radiation treatment. He was please. I also told him depending how I feel, I may consider chemo. Just taking it step by step.  Diane will be coming at 1:00am so Steve can run errands. 

January 9, 2024- XRay day

January 9, 2024 2:00am - Got up from a fantastic sleep and felt absolutely no pain.  I was going to wake up Steve and celebrate. 😆 Went back to bed and slept good. Woke up with a slight headache.  9:00am- Went for hip Xray. I go see the doctor Ishkanian for results and he will decide I get radiation.  The meds make me sleep a lot but that is good. I watch Little House On the Prairie. It is comforting. 

January 8, 2024- Things are finally moving.

January 8, 2024 D idn’t have a good night sleep last night due to pain. I can see it is taking a toll on Steve. Diane has to work today and tomorrow . 2:00pm- Got a call from Dr Wasserman’s nurse to come in for an assessment since we’ve called everywhere for support.  They gave me new meds. I got nasal spray for the huge sores in my Nose. I got updated Percacet and pain killer for the pain which shoots down my leg. 

January 6, 2024. - Give me pain killers

January 6, 2024 Woke up at 4:40am and went on the couch since I couldn’t find a comfortable spot in bed.  Didn’t make a difference since I couldn’t get comfortable on the couch. I even put the TV on but that irritated me.  8:00am- Steve gave me a Perkacet and a Tylenol for pain.  8:30am- Steve called the Cancer centre and the nurse said she will get me pain meds. She was surprised that they didn’t give me pain killers after the treatment because it was a strong dose of radiation. Hope they give me Perks. Waiting for Kelly, the nurse, to call me back.  9:00am- Kelly called back and said Dr Nguyen did not want me to take Percocet because of all the allergies I have with meds and it can affect my breathing.  He will prescribe me with Tetracyclic steroids along with Tylenol. 

January 5,2024- Spot radiation treatment to my ribs

January 5, 2024 Still not feeling good. Hard time eating.  Diane came over and bathed me. She still has to hand wash.  3:30pm- Took a Zofran as per doctor’s order since I was so sick the last time I had radiation.  4:30pm- Went for my radiation treatment. When I got back home, my back was in so much pain. Tylenol didn’t do anything so I took a pain killer which brought it from a 10is to a 3 score for pain. That was the most pain I felt so far.  Went to bed around 8pm and managed to get a bit of sleep.   January 5, 2024 Woke up at 5am to take Zofran before I get sick. I even had a small bowel movement. My appetite is down the tube. I don’t know what to eat anymore. I am scared to weigh myself.  First time we see the sun in a long time. So welcoming although it is cold.  8:00- took my blood pressure pill Apixapan and Vit D3.  Everything  is a struggle and I can’t get comfortable. Very depressing.  Diane came to bathe me. I am hoping that once I get my staples out, I will be able to showe

January 1 -5, 2024- Updates

January 1, 2024 Woke up not well. I was in lots of pain last night and too Hydramorpine. (Dilated). Diane and I realize I cannot take it anymore for paint. I makes me headachy, depressed and I can’t eat because I bring up.  So I will double up on my Tylenol.  January 2, 2023 Brought up first thing when I got up. I am also very constipated. Diane came over to wash me and gave me suppository to relieve my bowel. I only pass gas so far. It was nice because we washed a movie in bed together.  January 3, 2024 Once again I felt sick for a short moment. I am finally off of antibiotics for my bladder infection.  Diane came over  to help wash me.  January 4, 2024 Woke up with a headache. Once I sat On the couch after taking Apixapan and Vit D, I brought it all up.  So then I had a cracker and a small coffee and then brought that up.  Diane came over at 10am and left at 2pm. Because I am so constipated, she gave me an enema and I am now unplugged. 💩 She fed me broth. I have my first pair of dia

January 1, 2024- Happy New Year

January 1, 2024 Wishing everyone much health and light in 2024.  I will not be blogging for a while while I am recovering from my surgery and going thru many test.