
Showing posts from December, 2023

December 31, 2023 - Happy New Year.

December 31, 2023 Just realized this morning that is was New Year’s Eve.  Happy New Year to everyone. 

December 30, 2023 - Home recovering

December 30, 2023 Slept somewhat and consistently took my pain meds. I am now taking :  Apixapan for blood thinner  Tylenol and Hydromorphine for the pain Nitrofurantoin for the bladder infection  Vitamin D  Zofran for nauseasness.  I have to realize I won’t heal overnight. Sleeping a lot. 

December 28-29, 2023 - Pain Control

December 28, 2023 12:00am- I was in lots of pain and couldn’t get comfortable especially when I had to keep getting up to go to the bathroom.  The nurse gave me Hydromorphine ( Dilauded ) for pain with a heated blanket. It just calmed me down.  Today crappy feeling day. I brought up and at least I don’t feel pain now. Just as they gave me Zofran and Tylenol, I brought up.  8:00am- Breakfast came but I couldn’t touch it.  I tried to nibble on a few things.  8:30am- They did bloodwork.  10:00am- My sister came to help out with bathing me and stayed until 1:30pm. I was finally pain free and slept for a couple of hours. She stayed until Steve showed up.  Serge, a physio therapist came to do physio and exercises in bed. He showed me tricks of how to get and in and out of bed. Later Paul, another physio therapist showed up to show me how to go up and down the stairs.  Steve brought home some of my wash. Diane brought me down in the wheelchair to get a tea and Steve later brought me down for

December 27, 2023- Recovery

December 27, 2023 Slept on and off all night. I was quite surprisedly comfortable    5:00am- Received  2 Tylenol. I guess it is something they give when you are post up.  5:15am- I requested jello since I haven’t eaten in over 24 hrs.  So far no nausea.  7:30 am- Just had the breakfast of champion.  Steve told me that he spoke to the doctor after surgery and said everything went well. I may have to get a blood transfusion since I lost blood. They will know later today. He said my bone was hard and had a hard time drilling through it.   9:12am- Suzanne the nutritionist came to discuss what I will be eating.  I was measured for a wheelchair.  11:00am - A physio therapist and orthopaedic doctor came to see me after lunch. The physio therapist was impressed that I walk down the hall. He used the wheelchair to bring me back. He showed me how to get on the toilet with minimum pain.  11:30- Had lunch which consisted of egg salad sandwich, chicken noodle soup and cheesecake.  Later my sister w

December 26, 2023 - The operation

December 26, 2023 I am looking forward to the operation since I can’t seem to find a comfortable spot without pain.  8:00am- Going to the hospital  for the surgery. In lots of pain Met Dr Goyal (surgeon) and anesthesiologist.  They did a bunch of test and gave me pain killers. Thank goodness Steve and my sister Diane was able to help out. I kept my sister, who is a nurse, busy with bed pan duties. I kept bringing up every time I moved and they gave Diaphram for pain. I also had to pee droplets every minute so she took care of that also  The headache was probably because I haven’t eaten anything  and haven’t drank   9:00pm- Surgery was done where they placed  a rod in my right femur bone.  The surgery took an hour.  12:30am-  I was back in my room. Surprisedly I hardly had pain.Good pain killers  I slept on the bed pan for an hour and then they put a sheet later(big baggy diaper since I am going to sleep and might forget I don’t have a bed pan under me. 😳😆

December 25, 2023- Celebrarions

December 25, 2023 As everyone is celebrating Christmas. Steve and I are celebrating our 21st Anniversary.  Merry Christmas to all.  8:00pm- Hospital called to say I will be operated tomorrow Dec 26. I will update the blog when I can.   

December 24, 2023- Christmas Eve

December 24, 2023 Can’t believe it is Christmas Eve.  Last night I woke up at 3am with pain shooting down my leg and had a hard time relieving the pain all day with Tylenol and icing and heat. I am anxious to get the surgery. 

December 22, 2023- Prep for radiation

December 22, 2023 My pain was a 5 last night and I didn’t get much sleep.  Pain kept shooting down my leg.  9:30- Had an appointment with Radiologist Dr Nguyen this morning.  They placed spots where I will be getting spot  radiation. This will take the pain away my ribs and back. It will be done right after my surgery. I know they have me booked for surgery on Wednesday Dec 27th however they also have me on an emergency waiting list. 

December 20, 2023 - Doctors visit

December 20, 2023 9:00 - Had a doctor’s appointment with Dr Ishkanian and Dr McCoy, (head surgeon).  Looks like I will be getting a rod in my thigh bone (femur) soon. They booked me Dec 27th however they will be placing me on an emergency waiting list and it might be done before Christmas.  The surgeon will be Dr Patreek Goyal  (orthopaedics and sport medicine) and he has good rarings.  In the meantime, I have to use crutches so that I don’t put pressure on my leg and hip.  I tell you it is not easy getting around with crushes but I am trying to follow their guidance. They will be sending me all necessary info in the next couple of days.  In the meantime, I have to be very careful not to contract anything before and after surgery. 

December 19, 2023- Xray Hip

December 19, 2023 9:00am- Went for an Xray of the AP pelvis, judit views RT hip. 

December 14-18, 2023- Lots of pain

December 14, 2023 Today was not a good day. My hip pain went from a 3 to a 4.5. Woke up struggling to walk. I had shooting pain going down to my knee. It was throbbing pain. I iced it, put heat on it, did stretches and took Tylenol. I usually don’t like taking Tylenol but in this case I wanted to manage my pain. I even used a cane. The nurse told me to start keeping a log of my pain level so I can communicate it to the doctors when I see them next week.  For some reason, all my nails have broken. They were nice and hard for about a year.  December 15, 2023 Today I woke up with no pain whatsoever. Even went for a walk.  December 16, 2023 No pain today but a slight headache and crusty bloody nose. I think it is Tagrisso withdrawal  side effects. I used to get sores in my nose before I went on Tagrisso. Something I will have to discuss with doctors. They gave me steroid for my nose before and it healed it. I hesitate to take it because it used to give me a bloody nose.   I will no longer

December 13, 2023- Last Tagrisso

December 13, 2023 12:00pm- Took my last Tagrisso pill (target pill)until further notice. 

December 12, 2023 - More appointments

December 12, 2023 Dr Nguyen’s nurse called me to let me know I have to get XRays on December 19th before seeing Dr Ishkania a cancer oncologist. He will be the one to decide whether I get surgery on my hip.  I have to stop taking  the target pill, Tagrisso on Thursday for at least a week. Apparently, you cannot take Tagrisso if you get radiation.  Again, we take it one day at a time. 

December 11, 2023- My head is spinning

December 11, 2023 My head is spinning with all the phone calls I have been getting from doctors.  I received a call in the AM to say I was scheduled with Dr Nguyen Dec 22nd to consult on treatment for the bone cancer. I then received a call after dinner from Dr Nguyen personally who booked me a meeting with two specialist to determine whether I get spot radiation on my hip or surgery where they put in pins to strengthen my hip and prevent pain.  Steve and I are always cross referencing our calendars since there are continual appointments ahead of us.  Time will tell.  I am staying positive and hope for the best. I am blessed to have caring oncologist who are moving quickly even during the Holidays. 

December 8, 2023- Results from Oncologist

December 8, 2023 10:15-Went to see my Brain oncologist, Dr Nguyen. The results of my brain MRI on November 28 was positive news.  No new change in my brain.  11:00am- Received my results for my bone scan, liver ultrasound and Ct scan of my bones which was done mid November.  My liver and other organs are fine.  The reason which  I am having pain in my back, my right hip, my right ribs were because the cancer is spreading in my bones and for some reason the Tagrisso pill isn’t working on the bones.  The doctor is puzzled and said I have 2 choices of attack since the cancer is spreading. First after more test, to radiate the spots which cause the pain. It wouldn’t stop the cancer but it would take the pain away. Next would be to have chemo. I wouldn’t lose my hair with that particular treatment but the doctor said we will discuss the treatment in future visits. I will see him in January after all new test are done.  Naturally, Steve and I were shocked to hear that news but will just take

December 1, 2023- Lifelab

December 1, 2023 It is going to be a long winter but I am ready.  12:20pm- went for blood work at the Grimsby Lifelab.