December 28-29, 2023 - Pain Control

December 28, 2023
12:00am- I was in lots of pain and couldn’t get comfortable especially when I had to keep getting up to go to the bathroom. 
The nurse gave me Hydromorphine ( Dilauded ) for pain with a heated blanket. It just calmed me down. 
Today crappy feeling day. I brought up and at least I don’t feel pain now. Just as they gave me Zofran and Tylenol, I brought up. 
8:00am- Breakfast came but I couldn’t touch it. 
I tried to nibble on a few things. 
8:30am- They did bloodwork. 

10:00am- My sister came to help out with bathing me and stayed until 1:30pm. I was finally pain free and slept for a couple of hours. She stayed until Steve showed up. 
Serge, a physio therapist came to do physio and exercises in bed. He showed me tricks of how to get and in and out of bed. Later Paul, another physio therapist showed up to show me how to go up and down the stairs. 
Steve brought home some of my wash. Diane brought me down in the wheelchair to get a tea and Steve later brought me down for a cappuccino. 

I downloaded movie on my iPad at home so that I can watch Netflix series. 

6:00pm- Couldn’t eat much since I was nauseated. They gave me Zofran and Tylenol. Funny how the nights are the worse for pain. 

6:30pm - Steve came and brought me my wash and yogurt. 
I went to sleep at 8:00pm. It is very tiring to get around.  

10:00pm- Pain killer was injected in my stomach and blood thinner was injected in my left leg. 
Now it is sleepy time. 

December 29, 2033
1:00am- Night nurse gave me 2 regular Tylenol. 
Woke up around 6:00 go to the bathroom. I had such a good night sleep. 
7:00am- They always give you iced water to keep you hudrated. 
7:30am - Breakfast arrived. Not too interested in eating. 
7:45am- Marigol,my day nurse, checked my vitals and gave me 3 Tylenol pills. 

9:50am- Marigol gave me a shot of blood thinner, eye drops and Vitamin D  and antibiotic. Looks like I have a bladder infection now.  

4:30pm - I got discharged and back home. 🏡 It was frustrating since they kept us waiting 2 hours when we were ready to go. 


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