December 27, 2023- Recovery
December 27, 2023
Steve told me that he spoke to the doctor after surgery and said everything went well. I may have to get a blood transfusion since I lost blood. They will know later today. He said my bone was hard and had a hard time drilling through it.
Slept on and off all night. I was quite surprisedly comfortable
5:00am- Received 2 Tylenol. I guess it is something they give when you are post up.
5:15am- I requested jello since I haven’t eaten in over 24 hrs.
So far no nausea.
7:30 am- Just had the breakfast of champion.
Steve told me that he spoke to the doctor after surgery and said everything went well. I may have to get a blood transfusion since I lost blood. They will know later today. He said my bone was hard and had a hard time drilling through it.
9:12am- Suzanne the nutritionist came to discuss what I will be eating.
I was measured for a wheelchair.
11:00am - A physio therapist and orthopaedic doctor came to see me after lunch. The physio therapist was impressed that I walk down the hall. He used the wheelchair to bring me back. He showed me how to get on the toilet with minimum pain.
11:30- Had lunch which consisted of egg salad sandwich, chicken noodle soup and cheesecake.
Later my sister walked me to the bathroom where I hand washed.
2:30pm- A female oncologist came to check and see how I was doing. Don’t remember seeing her before.
3:00pm- The nurse watched me go to the bathroom by myself and left. I managed to get back in bed by myself. Good thing my sister showed me a few tricks on how to get in bed. Not an easy task right now.
Received a shot in the belly for my blood thinner and had 2 Tylenol earlier.
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