
Showing posts from May, 2023

May 26, 2023- Family doctor

May 26, 2023 3:40pm- Went to see the family doctor. I have a urinary tract infection. She put me on Jamp-Fosfomycin. (antibiotic). It is a one time treatment where you put powder in a glass of water and drink it all at once. 

May 22, 2023- Sad to see them go

May 22, 2023 It is always sad to see the kids leave. I am very blessed to have such a great family who care.  1:00pm- The PT came over to watch my progress with the exercise she gave. She was pleasantly happy with what I have achieved. The breathing has really improved. She gave me exercises last week to help expand my lungs. It is amazing how it did improve. No more wheezing. 

May 20, 2023 - Special pleasure

May 20, 2023 Last night my daughter from PA came for a brief visit with Michael and the grandchildren Cooper and Logan. I received a healing hug. 

May 16, 2023-PT

May 16, 2023 Today Suzie, a PT , came by this afternoon to work on a schedule to build muscles and gain strength.  She said I have to slow down and not to push myself if I get exhausted    I need to try again when I am rested. I need to also do breathing exercise since I have this cough.  She said to take it slow and listen to my body. 

May 9, 2023- No more daily blog

May 9, 2023 I DECIDED I WILL NO LONGER POST A DAILY BLOG.  It always seems to repeat which pill I am taking and whether it is a good day or bad day.  It will be a roller coaster for a while.  In the meantime, if something major happens then I will blog but in the interim, assume nothing has changed.  I will blog the beginning of each month to update everyone and so I can keep track of my own progress.  Enjoy your summer! 

May 7-8, 2023

May 7, 2023 Woke up at 7:30am and took a shower before having my Boost.  Maybe it is the weather, but today I am very tired.  8:00am- Took my blood thinner pill 12:00pm- Took my target pill  Slept and watched TV most of the day.  Not feeling 100%, I went to bed at 7:15am not that I slept right away. I have to wait a bit to take my blood thinner pill.  May 8, 2023 Woke up at 6:30am and had my Boost.  8:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.   Feeling a little better right now. Had a good long sleep last night.  I realize I have to wear a mask outside now because of the high pollen count right now otherwise I start coughing uncontrollably and one of my lungs hurts. It is a small sacrifice to pay in order to go outside finally.  I also have to wear a huge brim hat so the sun doesn’t not touch my skin. The drugs make you very sensitive to the sun. Of course, I need to also put on sunscreen.  1200pm- Took my target pill  Today was a good day. I went for a brief late afternoon ride in the car wit

May 6, 2023 PSW Visit

May 6, 2023 Had my Boost at 6:45am and then took a shower.  8:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.  10:00am- Vanessa from PSW came to check my vitals.  Since the sun was out, I went to look at my vegetable garden. The rhubarbs are popping.  Didn’t stay out long.  Just have to test the waters.  12:00pm- Took my target pill and had lunch.  1:30pm-  I was so happy because I remembered how to play a couple of song on my ukulele. My fingers are tender but hopefully, if I start feeling better,  I can start playing again. Then I will work up to my Guitar. My back was also getting sore so I quit after 1/2 hour.  Steve tried starting my car, however the battery was dead. He recharged it before starting her up.  The car hasn’t been driven since early November.  8:00pm- Took my blood thinner and then bed.  It was a good day now I am exhausted since I hardly slept today. 

May 5, 2023 Cinco de Mayo

May 5, 2023 Woke up at 6:45am and had Boost.  Managed to go up and down the basement stairs. One way to develop my leg  muscles.  8:00am- took my blood thinner  12:00pm- Took my target pill.  1:00pm- Went for a ride with Steve and then we  sat outside in the sun where I was nice and warm.  8:00pm- Took my blood thinner pill. Has this really bad cough before going to bed but eventually it stopped.  Bedtime at 8:15 pm. 

May 1 -4, 2023

May 1, 2023 6:30am- Had my boost when I got back.  Woke up still not feeling 100%. I thought I had another bladder infection. I get paranoid because I do not want to end up in the hospital. The urine sample tested negative. After reading up on the Keppra seizure pill Steve was reading the side effects and it all seems related to the withdrawal of Keppra. I have only been off of it for a couple of days so hopefully the side effects level off.  12:00pm- Took my targeted pill.  Doctor called and said I do not have a bladder infection but since I have thrush starting again, I may have a yeast infection. She will have cream made up for infection and also I will take Mucositis mouthwash for 5 days for thrush. Hopefully, that takes care of the issues.  8:00pm- Took my blood thinner pill.  Bedtime- 9:00pm.  May 2, 2023 Woke up at 6:30am and had my Boost.  8:00pm- Took my blood thinner pill.  Tried to slowly do some dusting while Steve vacuumed, wash the floor and did the wash.  I had to sleep