Happy New Year -Jan 1 - 8, 2022

Jan 1, 2023
3:30am-  Woke up with a headache. Later I took Ibuprofen and Tylenol which released some of the pain and fell back asleep until 7:00am. 
My daughters must of cooked enough meals so far to last a month or so.  
I was able to eat solid foods all day without being nauseous and without just drinking boost. Steve is pushing me to eat so that I don’t loose any weight. He is sure my love and my support. 
Nice to have caring friends surround us also. Prayers will get me thru this. 

January 2, 2023
4:30am- I just can’t believe how much I sleep in 24 hrs. The headaches are always there now but at least the Ibuprofen/Tylenol every 8 hrs make it bearable. 

10:00am- I felt strong enough to take a shower and have Nicky cut my hair. 


I feel stronger and have better color today since I was able to eat solids. 👍
The girls vacuumed, dusted and washed the floors for me. I am so appreciate. 

The girls introduced me to a game called “Sequence”

4:30pm- Nicky had to leave early to catch her flight back home. There was at least an hour to cross the border. Steve drove her. It is sad to see her go. 

Natalie stayed with me and watched Arab until Steve came back home. There was a half an wait at the border coming back into Canada. 
I went to bed at 9:30pm since I was tired.

January 3. 2023
2:30am- Woke up with throbbing headache and couldn’t sleep. I try to prop my head up but couldn’t get comfortable.  Because there is phlegm buildup, I was sick. I feel better when I bring up, then I take a Zofran which settles my stomach. 
Because of the Holidays, the Hospital hasn’t called me with  my schedule for radiation. Not sure if they will call me in the morning. If not, Steve will call them. I am starting to get anxious to start some type of treatment. 
Changes are occurring like more headaches, wheezing, feels like my tongue has a layer of something on it and I have to really chew my food for it to go down. 
Going to try and sleep.   

8:30am-  Sad to see Natalie leave this morning. 

We are waiting for the hospital to call us about my radiation treatment. Looks like the holiday put schedule behind. 

9:00am- After Steve talked to Julie, head nurse and contact, looks like I won’t be getting radiation today.  The doctor will be calling me and prescribing Percocet to manage my pain. 

11:30am- I am having awful cramping also so it isn’t a good day. 

4:00pm- The doctor called and instead of Percocet, he prescribed Tramadol instead sine it isn’t as strong and I might tolerate it better since I never took pain killers before and is allergic to codeine.  
4:30pm- I took 1 Tramadol but besides diarrhea around 8:00pm, I vomited so much.  Might be a side effect.  I was scared to take another one but figure to try it again and went to bed. 

January 4, 2023
6:30am- I slept so good last night. I only got up once to go to the washroom around 2:30am. Woke up with a slight headache and nausea.  
7:30am- Took a Zofran for the nausea, drank some boost and took my pain killer. Guess I will find if I react to it again. What a roller coaster ride trying to control diarrhea/constipation, headache and nausea. 
7:45am-  It didn’t take long before I vomited my Boost. I looked in the mirror and noticed Boost coming out of my nose.  I actually laughed and thought that would be a great photo for my blog.  Don’t worry, I am not that kind of sick yet!!!

9:00am- Managed to eat raisin bread.  I have to force myself to eat otherwise Steve will force feed it down. 
I slept most of the day. When I felt a little better, I tried to paint however I started feeling nauseous and had to quit within 20 minutes. I laid down to settle my stomach. I am working on a project which I started a year ago and I am determined to finish it one day. 
Something to look forward to. 

In the meantime, we are still waiting for treatment plans.  Took a pain killer before going to bed. 

January 5, 2023
Had a good night sleep from 9pm to 5:30pm. 
Every morning  when I wake up, I go in the sunroom to lay on the couch, listen to soft music so that I don’t wake Steve. 
I say my prayers for everyone who is sending special prayers on my behalf. I am so appreciative to all those supporting me thru this. 
5:30am-  I am down to 103.5 pounds this morning,  so I really need to eat. I am having rice pudding. I can only stomach certain things.  
I managed to do some stretching since I feel a little pain in my right hip.  I am amazed I don’t have more back pain from laying down so much. I force myself to move until I get nauseous. 

12:00pm-  Just received a call from Dr Nguyen from St Catharines hospital who will be starting my radiation treatment to my brain on Monday January 9th for 5 days. Then they will work on my lungs. 

6:00pm- Could not eat my dinner. Had to take a pain killer for my headache  and hip pain and Zofran for my nausea. 
Went to bed at 9:00pm and took a pain killer. 

January 6, 2023
Had a good sleep. Woke up around 5:00am with a small headache.
I laid  on the couch in the sunroom and notice the moon was staring at me through the clouds. It was so beautiful. It reminds me of when we sailed in the Bahamas and how I was always intrigued with the moon and stars. It looks like a full moon. 

Drank some Boost since I weighed 103 pds this morning. I want to get strong before Monday but it is difficult when you are always border line nauseous. 
8:00am- Had to use another Zofran after being sick. 
I managed to hold down a cranberry bran muffin for breakfast and mashed potatoes for lunch. 

Feeling nauseous most of the day, I asked Steve to bring me for a ride in the truck down the street to get out of the house and get some fresh air. 

A white ear squirrel came up to the truck as I opened my window. 

Lots of Geese and ducks where along the lake. Nice to see nature again. 

I was sick later but managed to eat dinner around 7:30pm. 

9:30pm- Going to bed early. Took a pain killer for my headache. 
Nighty night. 

January 7, 2023
1:00 am-  Took  a pain killer and fell back asleep. 
8:00 am- Couldn’t believe it when I looked at the time and appreciate the moments when I felt no pain or nausea. Had a 1/2 banana and thought:” This is what it feels like to feel somewhat good.”  I hope the banana doesn’t upset that. 

9:15- Steve surprised me with avocado on toast withq scramble eggs. He is trying to get protein and healthy fats in me. I hope I can eat at least half. 😜

Started off on a good morning however things changed for lunch. Everything I ate came out. It was not a good evening either. 
9:30pm-  Off to bed with a pain killer. 

January 8, 2023
1:30am-Took my pain killer. 
2:00am- Took Zofran since I was nauseas. It helped and I fell asleep until 6:00am. 
6:00am- Took a pain killer   I now weigh 102pds. 😟
7:30am- Ate 1/2 banana. 
8:30am- Slowly eating a cranberry bran muffin with 1/2 coffee and orange juice. I eat it slowly so that I can retain it. 
1:00pm- Took a pain killer and slept on the couch most of the day. 
5:00pm- Feeling nauseated, I took a Zofran. 
8:30pm - Took a pain killler and went to bed for the night. 
Tomorrow will be a busy day. I have to be at the hospital at 12:40pm. 


  1. Cute haircut! Looks great! That Nicky... she's got some skills! Xo

    1. Brave girl! How wonderful to have your precious daughters with you!
      Lots of love.


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