
Showing posts from April, 2023

April 29-30,, 2023

April 29, 2023 Woke up at 6:30am and had my Boost. I managed to make a smoothie which takes a lot of energy. I will get there slowly.  8:00am- Took a blood thinner pill.  12:00pm- Took my target pill.  Today was a good day. I stopped taking my seizure pills yesterday and I didn’t feel like sleeping as much. That was one of the taking those pills.  I hope that tomorrow bring the same results.  8:00pm- took a blood thinner. I also had a boost so I don’t wake up in the middle of the night hungry. I have a spare cookie beside my bed also in case I wake up hungry.  Bedtime is 8:30pm  April 30, 2023 Woke up at 6:30 am and took a shower. Afterwards, had my boost.  8:00am- Had my blood thinner.  12:00pm- Took my target pill.  Looks like my day won’t be as great as yesterday. I had to have a few sleeps throughout the day since I am tired. Might be the weather.  In bed by 7:45pm-  couldn’t stay up. I took my blood thinner pills before sleep.  

April 28, 2023- Dr Wassermann

Woke up at 6:30am and had my Boost. Slept for another hour.  Today we go see the medical oncologist, Dr Wasserman.  Great news. He said  for now looks the target pills are working. The tumour in my lungs shrunk. The bone cancer is white as opposed to black which means the cancer is slowly dying on the bones.  I am getting off the seizure pill.  He can’t tell us whether I will always be tired but it will resolve itself when if it happens. That is one thing he can’t predict.  One of my lungs looks like I have a pneumonia but he said that was caused by a he residue of the radiation and to let the doctors know that if it ever comes up.  Worried a bit about my weight but I told him my plan about eating every 2 hours in small portions. He said that sounded like a good plan. All in all he was very happy with progress and will see him on six weeks.  Now I am exhausted and laying down on the couch. 

April 26- 27, 2023

April 26, 2023 Woke up at 6:30am and had my boost.  9:00am- took my blood thinner pill  12:00pm- took my target pill.  Bedtime 8:00pm April 27, 2023 Woke up at 6:30am and drank my boost while watching the sun rise behind my neighbours frosted roof. Waiting for warmth. 9:00-  Took my Blood thinner pill.   12:00pm- Took my target pill.  Steve made rice, peas and pork chops. 

April 25, 2023 - Life lab today.

April 25, 2023  5:30am- Thought I would try something different this morning. Rather than leaving my comfy warm bed, I got the Boost from the fridge and drank it in bed. I thought I could fall back asleep but I didn’t. Didn’t get out of bed until 7:00am anyways.  I finally shaved some of the long hair from my arms. Every-time I get blood drawn or something,  it is torture to remove the sticky bandage Figure the shorter the better.  9:00am-  Took my blood thinner pill  10:20am-  Good thing Steve is  able to reserve an appt with Lifelab. There was such a lineup but we were able to get thru immediately. .  12:00pm- took my target pill 

April 20- 24, 2023

April 20, 2023 Woke up at 6:00am to have my Boost. I look forward to having my Boost since I know the drink is filled with nutrients which will feed my body.  Through out the day, I tried to walk and exercise my legs.  Took my first shower without Steve Help. Takes a lot of energy.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner and at 12pm-  Took my target pill.  April 21,202 3 Woke up at 6:30am to have my Boost.  Steve later brought me cereal.  9:00am- took my blood thinner pill.  12:00pm- Took my targeted pill  Vanessa, The New PSW said Rebecca no longer works with them and will now be my new PSW.   Bedtime at 8/00pm.  April 22, 2023 Woke up at 6:20am- To have my Boost. It rain all night.  Slept most of the day.  April 23, 2023 Woke up at 5:30 am to have my Boost. It wasn’t the greatest photo of the sunrise. But it didn’t matter to me. It is the first time in a long time that I saw the sun rise.  9:00am- took my blood thinner pill 12:00pm- Took my target pill  1:00pm- Steve took me for a Sunday driv

April 13 -19, 2023- Abdominal and pelvic Ct scann

April 13, 2033 Had to wake up early to go get my scan at St Catharine’s hospital for 7:00am.  I can’t eat or drink anything before the scan.  April , 14, 2023 Woke up at 5:30 and had a bowl of cereal.  Beautiful sunny out. Sat outside to take it the fresh warm air. To bed by 8 pm. I looked forward to my bedtime.    April,15, 2023 Woke up at 6:30am and had a Boost. Sat outside a bit to get some fresh air slept the rest of the time.  9:00am and Pm had my Blood thinner pills and at 12pm- had my target pill.  Bed at 8:00pm April 16, 2023 Woke up at 6/30 and had a boost.  Dreary day out.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.  12:00pm- Took my target pill.  To bed at 8/00pm. Steve always brings me my blood thinner pill for 9/00pm.  April 17, 2023 Woke up at 6/30 and had a boost. Another dreary day. Too cold for me to go outside. I had a hot bath but that wasn’t good since it was too hot and I was seeing stars. I won’t be doing that again.  April 18,2023 Woke up at 6:20am and had a boost. I al

April 10, 12, 2023

April 10, 2023 Woke up at 7:30am. Had a yogurt for breakfast. Went for a walk since the weather warmed up.  Has my blood thinner pill along w It’s the target pill at noon.  Was in bed by 8:00pm. Steve  brought  me my blood thinners to bed. At 9:00pm.  April 11, 2023  Woke up at 7:30am. Restless night. Had a bowl of cereal.  Steve gets upset because I am not hungry at all. Poor guy is trying so hard to force feed me.  To bed at 8:00pm  April12, 2023 I am trying to figure out what I could eat and have nutritional value. I decided to make a smoothie with whey protein. At least I ate half of it. Trying to get stronger.  Woke up at 7:30am.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.  12:00- Took my target pill. 

April 2- 9, 2023 Happy Easter

April 2, 2023 Got up around 7:30am.  9:00am- Took my blood thinners pills.  Steve made breakfast.  Restless night. Not sure why, but I lost my appetite and Steve keeps trying food push. It is hard when you are not hungry. He means well.  I slept most of the day.  Went to bed at 8:00pm.  April 3, 2023 Woke up at 7:30am. Made my self cereal and bananas for breakfast. Weird how I just want to sleep. It is a long day when you are tired.  11:30am- A PSW, Janelle Miller.  came over to access the safety of the house.  12:00pm- Took my targeted pill.  After lunch, I sat outside for a change of pace. It fell good to get some fresh air.  I was in bed  by 9:00pm.  April 4, 2023 7:30am-  Woke up and had a Boost.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pill.  Steve caked the doctor to have Lifelab check my urine to make sure I do not have a bladder infection. Looks like I do not have an infection.  Bedtime 9:00pm April 5, 2023 Woke up at 7:30am- and had a Boost.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pills    April

April 1, 2023- April Fool

April 1, 2023 Can’t believe it is April. I had a crappy night sleep. Must be a the new meds I am taking.  Had a Boost before Steve serving cream of wheat with bananas.  He is sure taking care of me.  9:00am- Took my blood thinner pills along with other.  12:00- Took my target pills.  Steve made me soup for lunch.  I watched TV however I just wanted to sleep so I was already in bed at 8:00pm.