WTF STAGE (excuse my language...I am still in shock)- Stage 2
December 8, 2022
8:30 am- Met with Dr Mitar at St Catherines Hospital and told me it looks like I have lung cancer and need to confirm with a biopsy and find out whether it spread. It looks like we will be spending a lot of time being tested.
They will be booking me for Brain MRI, Bone scan and CT Abdomen/ pelvis exam. along with EBUS/EUS at St Joseph with Dr Hanna.
EBUS- Endobronchial Ultrasound
Is a minimally invasive but highly effective procedure used to diagnose lung cancer, infections, and other diseases causing enlarged lymph nodes in the chest
EUS- Endoscopic ultrasound or echo-endoscopy is a medical procedure in which endoscopy is combined with ultrasound to obtain images of the internal organs in the chest, abdomen and colon. It can be used to visualize the walls of these organs, or to look at adjacent structures.
WE ARE CALLING THIS THE “WTF” stage. So surreal
Here is a photo of my lung CT scan![](
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