HOLY CRAP STAGE- Dec 22, 2022

Dec 22, 2022

Woke up this morning nauseous. 
Today was a day we were anxiously waiting for. We finally find out the results, or at least most of them, of all the test I’ve had. 

8:30am- Met with Dr Jany, an internist at St Catharines Hospital.

Surprisingly, we were told I had stage 4 lung cancer which spread to my bones. 
This was so unexpected and that is why we called this stage “Holy Crap’. 

Steve went to see our family doctor, Dr Aliu, to pick up nausea pills for me and Metamucil for constipation.  Steve explained that the doctor was so upset and couldn’t believe the results since I always ate (at least most of the time) healthy, exercised, never smoked and tried to follow a stress free life. Who knows however Steve and I are moving forward with a positive outlook. 

The hardest part is letting my daughters know. They are strong women and we love them dearly. I hope to feel well enough to see them along with grand children and son-in-laws.  The doctor told me with treatment I should start feeling better. Guess I will take it one day at a time!  For now I don’t feel up to seeing anyone and it is difficult to talk since it triggers coughing.  Thank goodness for texting. 

This is what my bone scan looks like. 

The good news is there are better treatments now for lung cancer. They will be sending my biopsy to determine the DNA of the type of cancer. Then we will meet with an oncologist in the New Year to determine  the exact treatment. I might qualify for immunotherapy.  This is a type of cancer treatment which uses substances made by the body or in a laboratory to boost the immune system and help the body find and destroy cancer cells. It can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy and/or other cancer treatments such as radiation.  

We should hear from the oncologist the first week of January.  In the meantime, I have a brain MRI scheduled for December 28, 2022.  

It will be a Different New Year for us this year. 


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