
Showing posts from November, 2023

November 28, 2023- Head MRI

November 28, 2023 6:00pm- Had a head MRI at the St Catharine’s hospital.  I  find out the results from Dr Nguyen next week.  I was one of the first to try out one of their new MRI machine. They received 2 new ones. It is nice to see how the money we donate  for cancer is going to helping people like myself. 

November 27, 2023- Mammogram

November 27, 2023  8:30am- Went for a mammogram at the Grimsby Hospital. 

November 24, 2023- Pap smear

November 24, 2023 9:00am- My family doctor wanted me to get a Pap smear. They put me in first  appointment so that I am not in contact with anyone. Very considerate of them.  Last night we all had dinner at JJ on the Dock in Grimsby. We all had turkey dinner to celebrate the American Thanksgiving. We had the restaurant to ourselves and in a special room for our group.   From left to right starting from the front  Logan( the youngest) my mom (92 yrs old), myself, Natalie, Lyla.  Second row from left: my sister Diane, Parker, Nicole, Brent, Steve and Michael.  It was nice to get together. Great meal. 

November 21, 2023 - Merry Thanksmas

November 21, 2023 It is so nice being reunited with the family. The house is filled with small feet running around, with laughter and lots of activities and I am just loving it. We are all here to celebrate Christmas and the American Thanksgiving. We call it Merry Thanksmas. 

November 16, 2023 - Nuclear Bone Scan

November 16, 2023 9:45am- Went for my nuclear shot for the bone scan.  “A nuclear bone scan is a type of nuclear medicine tool that uses trace amounts of radioactive substances, called radiotracers, to evaluate physical and chemical bone changes.  A special camera, called a gamma camera, detects radiation emitted from the radiotracers. A computer creates 3D images from the gamma camera data.” 10:15-I can now sing the Radioactive song since I  am now radioactive.  Got back home around 11:00am and have to return at 2:30pm for the actual scan.  2:30pm- At the St Catharines Hospital, the technician, Sean, took me to get my Bone scan. I laid down on the unit bed and then he asked me to close my eye because the machine comes so close to your face. He was right, I bet I could have reached to plate with my nose. The machine scanned my body for half an hour. Afterwards, the machine circles around you and scans your body in sections. First, it starts at the lower part of the body(it takes 10 min

November 14, 2023- call from doctor

November 14, 2023 10:30am- Received a call from Dr Wasselman’s office about my appointment for the nuclear bone scan on Thursday. 

November 13, 1023-Ultrasound

5:45am- Woke up early to be at the hospital for 7am for an ultrasound for my liver and gallbladder. I will get the results when I see Dr Wasselman. 

November 9, 2023- Results of blood & CTScan

November 9, 2023 9:30am- Went to see Dr Wasselman, my oncologist for CT Scan and bloodwork.  He said the good news is the CT scan looked good and didn’t show cancer in the liver. Although, he is puzzled by my bloodwork. My Alkaline Phosphatase has gone up from 194 to 251    and for some reason the Alanine Amnotransferase has gone up from 49 to 71. He said that usually happens at the beginning of     starting meds. He had me take more liver bloodwork while I was there. Also, he will have me go for a full bone scan and ultrasound of my liver on Monday November 13th.  I am able to take bone building medication for the osteoporosis.  I am so blessed and grateful for such support from our healthcare system. 

November 6, 2023 - Results of bone density test

November 6, 2023 Approximately, 6 years ago, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. They put me Risodrenate pill which is a bone building drug. After 4 years of taking it, the specialist had me stop taking it to see what happens. He said sometimes the count might drastically go down when stopping the pill.  In October, I had a bone density test and the results show I have osteoporosis again.  Now I have to find out Thursday when I see my oncologist if I can take bone building meds with my cancer meds. 

November 4, 2023- More hope

November 4, 2023 There is a great article about a woman who has the exact same cancer as me and is on the same medication. Great reading for anyone interested. There is always hope. Never give up. 

November 2, 2023- Lifelab & GaYa

November 2, 2022 9:10am- Went  to Lifelab for bloodwork. I will find the results next week.  3:00pm- On another subject, our beautiful sailing vessel , GaYa, sold today.  We are very sadden since we had over 10 years sailing her and 6 of them were in the Bahamas.  It is hard to let go at times especially when my disease is the reason. I know there is a new bright chapter to follow and accept whatever comes. We must “Go With the Flow”