
Showing posts from September, 2023

September 29, 2023- Results from lung oncologist

September 29, 2023 Great results from my blood work. The lung  oncologist was  happy about how I was progressing and glad I rode the Big Move and walk 2 km a day. I will go for a CT scan.  in about 6 week.  Steve and I were pleased with the results.  The doctor and nurse told me to live  my life the best I can.  We should all learn from that. 

September 27, 2023 - Visit to Head Oncologist

September 27, 2023 Steve and I drove up to St Catharines Walker Centre to see Dr Nguyen, my head oncologist only to find out it was a phone appointment. It was funny as I was registering, the phone rang and it was him. 😆 It was a beautiful day for a ride.  The doctor is very happy and said he had no concerns. According to my MRI everything  is shrinking or disappearing. He said the fact that I rode 12km and that I have been walking 2 Km a day (the past couple of days) is a really good sign. He will order another MRI in 2 months and we will meet then.  He said I can drive as long as it short distance and that I am not tired or having  blurry vision.  Great news to hear. On Friday I go see Dr Wasselman, my lung oncologist for results of my blood work. 

September 22, 2023 -Lifelab

September 22, 2023 9:20am- Went to Lifelab for blood test this morning.  Funny how my hair is growing curly. Be interesting to see what it will look like. It is growing uneven.  2:00 pm-  Because of my health situation, Steve and I decided to sell GaYa (our boat). We just loved her however we couldn’t leave her out of the water for another year. 🥲 Steve just came back from Fort Pierce, Fla , after getting her ready to sell. It is now in the hands of the broker.  He brought back my Kayak.  I will miss kayaking in the Bahamian blue water.  He also brought back my conch which we usually blow at sunset in the Bahamas. It is a tradition in the Bahamas to sound the conch at sunset.  New adventure are now ahead. 

September 17, 2023- Another milestone

September 17, 2023 A couple of days ago, my head felt clear and I decided to drive the car to go see my mom who is approximately 1.4 Km from my home.  It felt so freeing while I was driving. I will only drive when I am not tired and my head is clear. 

September 11, 2023 - Head MRI

September 11, 2023 8:00pm- Had an MRI for my head at GNGH (Greater Niagara General Hospital). I have an appointment with the oncologist in a couple of weeks for the results. 

September 10, 2023- The Big Move Ride

September 10, 2003 Today was the day for the Bog Move Cancer Ride.  I was able to complete the 12km with the support of Steve, Nicole and my sister Diane. It took 40 minutes to do. I am so thankful for all those who donated and encouraged me.  I will send more photos later. I now need to rest. I managed to raise $2900.00. 

September 6, 2023. Pre registered

September 6, 2023 Been feeling good the past couple of days. Hopefully, it continues so I can ride 12km for the Big Move Ride. Today I pre registered so with all your prayers and blessing, I hope I can finish the ride. There is still time if you wish to donate.  Copy and paste the link below:

September 4,2023- Big Move Ride approaching

September 10th (Sunday) will be a big day for me. The Big Move Cancer ride is happening and I will be participating in the 12 Km ride to raise money for the Walker Cancer centre. They have been  and still are so supportive throughout my treatment.  Thank you to all those who have contributed towards this wonderful cause. I truly appreciate it.  There is still time to donate if you wish to contribute.  I haven’t been able to ride everyday since it tires me out too much but I am saving my energy for the big day.  Thank you all for your prayers.  XXXLise Here is the link if you wish to donate