September 27, 2023 - Visit to Head Oncologist

September 27, 2023
Steve and I drove up to St Catharines Walker Centre to see Dr Nguyen, my head oncologist only to find out it was a phone appointment. It was funny as I was registering, the phone rang and it was him. 😆
It was a beautiful day for a ride. 

The doctor is very happy and said he had no concerns. According to my MRI everything  is shrinking or disappearing. He said the fact that I rode 12km and that I have been walking 2 Km a day (the past couple of days) is a really good sign.
He will order another MRI in 2 months and we will meet then. 

He said I can drive as long as it short distance and that I am not tired or having  blurry vision. 

Great news to hear. On Friday I go see Dr Wasselman, my lung oncologist for results of my blood work. 


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