
Showing posts from October, 2023

October 29, 2023-CT Scan

October 29, 2023 Had to get up really early this morning in order to go to St Catharine’s hospital for a body CT Scan at 7:30 am. I will get the results in a couple of weeks when I see Dr Wasserman. 

October 28, 2023 - Nurse’s visit

October 28, 2023 10:00am- My weekly nurse ,Vanessa, came to check my lungs and blood pressure. She said my lungs are the clearest they have ever been however my blood pressure was low. That is nothing new to me. I just have to add more salt to my diet. 

October 20, 2023-Vaccination day

October 20,  2023 3:30pm- Got my Covid and flu vaccine today.  It seems a lot of people I know have Covid or a cold already 

October 17, 2023 - Thrombosis appt

October 17, 2023 9:30am- I had an appointment with Dr Thiyagarajah, the thrombosis doctor and she was very pleased with my progress. She will keep me on the same blood thinner pills, Apixaban and will see me again in six months. It is the kind of news I like to hear. 

October 13, 2023 Support

October 13, 2023 I feel so blessed that I live in Canada and have great support from our health system. Vanessa, my weekly nurse will either call me or drop over to listen to my lungs. She is very pleased with my progress.  I am able to paint again which excites me and passes the time. It takes me longer by I am learning new things. I have not been able to play guitar since I have cracked fingers along my nail. That is caused by a side effect of the drug I am taking.  All in all,  I am doing good. 

October 4, 2023- Bone density test

October 4, 2023 Went for a bone density test this morning. Guess I will het results when I see the doctor December 6, 2023.