Feb 7, 2023 - Day 4 of IV fluid
February 7, 2023
Weight 92.1
4:00am- Took ulcer meds.
6:00am- Started the antacid and steroid process. I begin weening myself off of steroids.
8:30am- My sexy nurse Kristen hooked me to IV
Noticed my gums changing so we made a rinsing solution of 1tsp baking soda, 1 tsp salt in a liter of water which was given by the hospital.
1:30pm- Kristen came to disconnect the IV fluid and brought her husband Jeff, who is also a nurse, to show him how to disconnect the I V tomorrow afternoon when she is at work. We took him out of retirement!
3:00pm- Dr Wasselman, medical oncologist, called to tell me know I have Pulmonary Embolism which is blood clot in my lungs! So now I will be taking a blood thinner called Pixodan.
I will be referred to a frombosis clinic.
6:00pm - Ate half of a baked potato and it was so good.
10:00pm - stayed up too late tonight. Good night.
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