LET'S DO THIS - Dec 11- 13, 2022


December 11, 2022

A good friend of mine from Florida called me and said she organized a prayer group every night at 7pm for 5 minutes.  If anyone is willing to join in, all you have to do is say a prayer every night at 7 pm  I will feel your healing energy .  Thanks.

December 12, 2022


At 9:30am- I registered at St Joseph for the EBUS/EUS procedure with Dr. Hanna for 10:30. 

FYI - EBUS is a way of looking inside and around the airways to identify lymph node in the mediastinum and take biopsies when needed.  There are 2 steps to this procedure.EUS is performed during gastrointestinal endoscopy.

The doctor looks inside the airways of the lungs first using a tube called a bronchoscope.  Pictures are sent to a television monitor as the scope goes down.  Then doctor then inserts the EBUS scope.  The doctor presses a button on the scope and the ultrasound begins.  Sound waves bounce off the structures in the area and produce pictures on the monitor for the doctor to see.  

Melissa, Kristen, Shelley and Pete
Did I tell you that my neighbor, Kristen assisted in the procedure and works with Dr. Hanna. Steve and said she will get to know me inside out.  How lucky am I.

I had such a good laugh as Steve was trying to find a parking spot. Kristen sent me this photo stating that the nursing team was waiting for me.  What a great reception.

  The nurse team, which included Kristen, Shelley, Pete and Melissa were just so welcoming and made me feel comfortable.  The hooked me up to an IV and put a nice hot blanket on me.  

All comfy ready for my procedure
Kristen ready to bring me to the procedure room

Dr Hanna is the doctor doing the procedure.  He has gained media attention for his work in the field of robotic thoracic surgery. These minimally invasive procedures are enabling his patients to recover more quickly and comfortably. On top of his roles as thoracic surgeon and medical researcher.

Dr Hanna

After they wheeled me in the room, he introduced himself and asked if I had any questions.  I asked him if he had a good rest on the weekend.  He jokily said: "Oh no, I partied all weekend" That comforted me knowing he had a sense of humor.  I then asked if I could get a photo with him and understandly he said it was against hospital policy.  Once he answered my questions, he put on his serious hat and got to work.  It didn't take long before I was sedated. 
Next thing I knew, I was in the truck with Steve going home.  I was sleeping beauty for a long time.  My throat was raw, and I would rinse with warm salted water.

December 13, 2022

Today was another sleeping beauty day.  My throat was still sore, but I managed to eat dinner tonight.  I need to gain weight and Steve is insuring I eat.


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