NEW ADVENTURE - Sept 4 to Dec 6, 2022


Why am I blogging this journey? 

 I have been diagnosed with lung cancer and hope to communicate to those interested my journey in healing.  Steve and I have faith that it will all work out- working with a medical team. I also want to journal in order to document things as I get treatment. I love blogging and it will keep me occupied as it will also limit calls and text for updates until I get stronger. 

Where did it begin?

September 4, 2022

Steve and I just returned from a beautiful bike cruise in Vienna.  On the plane, I kept my N95 mask on since I did not want to get Covid.  When we arrived home, I noticed for 3 days afterwards, every time I took a deep breath a sharp pain would occur in my right lung.  It finally went away however I started this annoying cough.  I always wait 6 weeks before seeing the doctor to see if it would go away.

September 28, 2022

Got my 5 Covid vaccine shot. 

October 4, 2022

Got my flu shot

October 20, 2022

I made an appointment with my family doctor Dr Teuta Aliu.  Because of the consistent cough, she ordered an x-ray for my lungs.

October 25, 2022

Dr Aliu called to say they saw markings on my lungs and wanted to order a CT scan.

November 16, 2022

I tested positive for Covid where I was really sick with a worse cough and huge fatigue.


December 2, 2022

 I had a CT scan since they found mildly coarsened interstitial markings throughout both of my lungs. 


December 4, 2022- I had an abdominal MRI which was ordered 6 months ago to follow up from 6 yrs ago. We wanted to leave December 1st for Florida to get on our boat in order to sail to the Bahamas however waited until I got the MRI.  I wasn't going to cancel it after waiting so long.

December 5, 2022

At 3:30am, being optimistic, we packed the truck and headed to Florida. We made it to Savannah where we spent the night in a hotel.

While driving at 10:30am, Dr Lam, an internist, called to say he still hasn't received the results of my CT scan. Being positive, we continued on. 

December 6, 2022

As we were about an hour away from seeing our boat in Fort Pierce, Dr Lam called to say the results are not good and that I must turn around and come back home ASAP.  They found a mass on my lungs. 

Without hesitation, Steve turned around as I felt so bad, and he drove 21 hrs. straight and got home December 7, 2022, at 4:30am. We had to make it back for Dec 8th since Dr Lam made an appointment for me to see Dr. Mitar.



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